Future Olympians


York Academy & College Future Olympic and Professional Athletes Program is designed to inspire, prepare, support and cultivate elite student-athletes through their journey of becoming great Olympic athletes by utilizing all the means necessary available in Canada. This program is available to both Canadian and international students.


Our mission is to work with inspired student-athletes, provide the best platform and equally support and prioritize their education, sports career, and life skills enrichment in their journey as future Olympic athletes. At York Academy & College, we understand student-athletes’ commitment, unique challenges and demands of being elite athletes while broadening their horizons beyond sports achievements as future Olympians.


To student-athletes, who inspire to excel in their pursuits to becoming future Olympic athletes and/or professional athletes, York Academy & College offers a strategically integrated well-balanced transformative curriculum pivoting towards academic, athletics, life skills development and enhancement needed to perform at their best. York Academy & College Future Olympic and Professional Athletes Program

