
York Campus is a university-style setting environment, state-of-the-art, LEED-certified and environmentally-friendly “Speciality Hub” dedicated to effective and innovative academic, sciences, technology, robotic, engineering, architecture, mathematics, languages, communication, media, broadcasting, fine and performing arts, as well as non-academic activities and programs in sport, athletic, arts and entertainment. York Campus’s superior academic curriculum and non-academic activities, programs and services, to students, children, parents and the community at large are dedicated to craft generations of “Multi-Talented and Multiple Intelligence Renaissance Students” as student-academias, student-scientists, student-artists, student-athletes, student-future Olympic and professional athletes, and student-good citizens. Our programs are not limited to children and students. We offer numerous customized and speciality academic curriculum and non-academic programs and services to the general public.

At York Campus, we recognize that traditional academic and non-academic learning strategies are giving way to “Cognitive-Interactionist Approaches and Practices”, “Research-Driven Practice”, “Hands-On Practice” and “Creativity-Driven Practice”. As a result, our campus is designed to play a pivotal role in the development of these emergent practices culture by creating a flexible, adaptable, and technically supportive environment where children, students, parents, guests, visitors and members are engaged and immersed in their respective discipline.

York Campus is home to:

York Campus is a destination “Innovative Specialty Hub” for Fine and Performing Arts – STREAM [sciences, technology, robotics, engineering, architecture, and mathematics] – Sports and Athletics – Personal Best – Language and Communication – Culinary Arts – Culture and Social Immersion. The campus is well alive outside of regular school hours of operation, including weekends and evenings, to support and promote community, stakeholders, students and parents’ engagements to arts, sciences, technology, personal best, and athletic programs and activities with the target objective to reinforce York Campus’s commitment to long-term growth, financial sustainability, academic and non-academic advancement.

Located minutes away from and to established and new residential communities, and well serviced by city or public transportation, York Campus’s prominent exposure with a distinctive corporate presence with unique arts and technology architectural design, and highly compelling aspect, offers tremendous tangible long-term benefits to parents, children, students, and all members of the community and surrounding areas.

Code of Conduct

At York Campus, all members, guests, and visitors alike are expected to act, behave and conduct in ways that support our philosophy, values and mission at all times. Members’ conduct shall bring the best out of themselves and each other. Through our best practice principles, faculty, adjunct professionals and staff are positive role models to members and visitors. Members shall observe all rules and procedures while on campus. York Campus Comprehensive Code of Conduct Policy is available for members to review upon enrollment. York Campus members should:

Respect for Self

Members are expected to show respect for one’s self. Each member will aim for high standards of personal health and social responsibility. If members have issues, they are encouraged to discuss these with our supervisors, manager or membership director. York Campus will work together to resolve any issues that may arise.

Respect for Others

Every member attending York Campus has the right to do so in a safe and friendly environment. Discriminations, verbal, physical and sexual harassment or bullying of others will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any activity that has a negative effect on others will be dealt with according to the severity of the situation.

Respect for Property

Members are expected to respect the privacy and property of others and York Campus staff and coaches. All texts, equipment and materials must be cared for and returned when requested. Members are also expected to treat the campus grounds and the campus building with respect. Littering is strictly forbidden.

Respect for Community

Our members are York Campus’s representatives in the community. They are expected to act respectfully and courteous to everyone in the community.

Dress Code

All Student-members are required to wear a designated York Campus school uniform. The uniform must be worn on school days and on all weekday school-sponsored activities. Students grooming should reflect a business-like manner. Other members are required to wear appropriate clothing based on their registered programs requirements.

Severe Violation of York Campus Rules

The following are some behavioural example that are regarded as severe violations of York Campus’s rules with consequences range from warnings to removal from York Campus membership in accordance with the severity of the situation: