Middle School


York Academy & College Middle School spheres around a unique environment of ideas, experiences, emotional, social, physical, intellectual and cultural rapid growth and development for students as they are transitioning from their Primary School years and preparing to head to their Secondary School years.

York Academy & College Integrated Middle School encompasses our dedication to the continual crafting of “Multi-Talented and Multiple Intelligence Renaissance Students” though the mandatory incorporation of Academics, Fine and Performing Arts, STREAM [sciences, technology, robotic, engineering, architecture, and mathematics], Languages and Communication, Sports and Athletics, and Cultural Immersion. Our hands-on knowledge acquisition activities expose our students to a multitude of challenges and discoveries, which allow them to master analytical and problem solving skills necessary to succeed in their next phase of learning journey – York Academy & College Secondary School – York Academy & College Middle School engages students in new challenges as they are navigating through transitions.


  1. Guidance and Growth – Throughout the Middle School years, students are reaching out into a world of ideas and experiences, but yet they prefer comfortable and familiarity within their environment. They strive for autonomy, but yet they still need guidance, structure and discipline. They desire to develop new relationships and make different kinds of cultural and social connections, but yet they feel more self-conscious than ever before of the world’s reality. York Academy & College Middle School Division faculty and adjunct professionals have the understanding and well equipped to build the environment required for middle school students to grow, thrive, develop self-confidence and lead. Their quest to find their fervours and talents is just beginning.
  2. Excellence-Driven – At York Academy & College Middle School, students are inspired to achieve excellence and to realize their full potential, building on the skills, knowledge and experiences they have acquired in their Primary School years, thus enabling them to become progressively more autonomous and prepared for the challenges they will experience as they advance towards secondary school.
  3. Inclusive and Nurturing Environment – As these precious early years at school for children unquestionably represent an extension of their family, York Academy & College Primary School is committed to ensuring that our students feel enthusiastic, capable, and successful by providing each and every child a respectful and nurturing community of professional and emotional support that promote active partnerships with parents, open communication, collaborative problem solving and decision making among students, faculty, adjunct professionals, administrators, parents and/or other necessary professionals. York Academy & College offers a school environment that cultivates integration, inclusion and equity for all. We celebrate the rich diversity we have amongst our student body and professional community and work to foster a solid foundation for the future of us all.
  4. Practical and Theory Knowledge Acquisition – York Academy & College Middle School emphasises on effective learning methodologies that incorporate experiential, hands-on, action-based, multidisciplinary, social and cultural immersion for continuing practical and theory knowledge acquisition.
  5. Regular Testing - Testing in informal setting is rigorously and continuously relevant to York Academy & College Middle School students, while regular standardized testing ensures that students are surpassing all academic requirements in each of their respective grades. In fact, we ensure students are always ahead of their respective grades.
  6. In-Class Homework - York Academy & College Middle School has a structured in-class homework guideline which echoes our commitment to support both students and parents balancing Life –Work–Academics –Personal/Family–Recreational. Our students are given a reasonable amount of daily in-class homework, with certain amount of times of assigned homework daily for each grade level. For example, a Grade Seven student would receive approximately 70 minutes of homework daily, whereas a Grade Nine student would receive approximately 90 minutes of homework each day.
  7. Small Class Sizes and Commitment To Individual Student - At York Academy & College Middle School sustained small class sizes is a major contributor that measures our success as our faculty and adjunct professionals are able to offer individualized attention to each student as required in order to deliver our advanced and enhanced curriculum.
  8. Superior Faculty - York Academy & College Middle School Division’s accredited, highly qualified, experienced, passionate and caring faculty and adjunct professionals practice differentiated teaching method to engage and meet the educational needs of each and every student. Our superior faculty and adjunct professionals are essential to our students’ successes in school and in life in general.
  9. Students Progress and Monitoring - Student Profiles are developed and used by York Academy & College faculty to analyse and determine students’ progress, interests, new skills and knowledge acquisition ability, coping and demonstration. Due to the fact that York Academy & College Middle School is committed to the individual student, our Student Profiles serve as informative indicators to our teaching practices.
  10. Supportive Transitioning To Secondary School - Throughout the Middle School years, York Academy & College Middle School works closely with every student to provide a full support network as they are adjusting to enter Secondary School. Group workshops, activities, role-plays, and study-time model are implemented on a regular basis; student-parent-teacher involvements are also introduced to support and discuss transition. Our Secondary School students also play a major role in helping our Middle School students in their transition.

Core Skills

Integrated Skills: As students enter the next phase of their educational quest from Grade Seven through grade Nine, York Academy & College Middle School’s main focus is to strategize and emphasize on Academics, Fine and Performing Arts, STREAM [sciences, technology, robotic, engineering, architecture, and mathematics], Languages and Communication, Television and Radio Broadcasting, Sports and Athletics, Cultural Immersion, Financial Literacy, Critical and Analytical Thinking that prepare our students to enter with confidence York Academy & College Secondary School.

High-Achieving Skills: Through York Academy & College’s core skills acquisition and development, students who have demonstrated higher achievements will be offered the opportunity to enhance their academic or non-academic strengths through a deeper exploration of subjects or programs of interest, a faster pace in the presentation of material, and a concentrated focus on higher level skills. This aims to help these students realize their full potential while still benefitting from all of the other academic, non-academic, co- curricular and extra-curricular programs offered at York Academy & College. York Academy & College High-Achieving Students – “student-scientists”, “student-artists”, “student-athletes”, “student-future Olympians” and “student-academic professionals” – are encouraged to be part of this program.

Good Citizenship Quality Building: Part of York Academy & College Middle School’s mandate is to hearten good citizenship quality, effective and cooperative teamwork through trust exercises and team-based challenges channel through school trips, excursion destinations, cultural immersion and celebrations, curricular tie-ins activities, UNESCO School Model teaching.

Global Learning Education Curriculum: York Academy & College Middle School Global Learning Education begins in Grade Seven and focuses on extending formal World Languages curriculum that includes Latin and Global Studies course of a number of countries and the effects of globalization. Their global studies are incorporated into their Fine and Performing Arts curricular activities.

University Courses Introduction: As part of York Academy & College Middle School’s mandate, pre-university course are introduced to our Middle School students as means of support in helping our future graduates in their transition to both Secondary School and Post-Secondary. For more information, please visit our Pre-University School Division