
Prospective Students

York Academy & College Canada is very selective in its admission process for the Future Olympic Athletes Program. We provide admission priority to both Canadian and international students who have demonstrated their desire to equally succeed in both academics and athletics with above average school grades; preferably above 75% mark or a B+.

As an advanced, innovative "action-based" and "challenged-based" multi-facets private educational institution campus of distinction with a culture of excellence offering differentiated and qualitative educational programming to craft generations of "Multi-Talented and Multiple Intelligence Renaissance Students" , Our Future Olympic Athletes Program is designed to equally balance and advance our students academics and athletics aptitudes. Therefore, our program is most beneficial to highly competitive and engaged students who inspire to be:

  1. Student-academias [future doctors, lawyers, ambassadors, diplomats, etc...]
  2. Student-artists
  3. Student-scientists
  4. Student-athletes (future Olympic athletes and/or professional athletes)
  5. Student-interpreters/translators
  6. Student-good citizens
  7. Student-good character citizens

Student Programs and Services

York Academy & College offers a flexible class schedule, integrated, qualitative and quantitative advantageous programs and services to its Primary, Middle, Secondary/Diploma and Pre-University students. Our academic and non-academic programs and services are attractive to the most competitive, engaged and inspired students.


Year Round Activities

York Academy & College offers many different activities and clubs reflecting the school’s culturally diverse community of students. Social and cultural engagement opportunities for our students to become culturally knowledgeable good honor citizens while celebrating diversity are fundamental to our core values. These activities include:

  1. Aboriginal Day
  2. Run For A Cure
  3. Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination
  4. Earth Day
  5. International Dance Day/ Jazz Day
  6. National and/or International Trip
  7. International Women’s Day
  8. Literacy Day
  9. Model U.N.
  10. Science Olympics
  11. Skills Canada Competition
  12. Social Justice Day
  13. International Day of Democracy
  14. International Day of Peace
  15. International Day of Personal Best & Abilities
  16. York Academy & College Talent Search
  17. United Nations Day
  18. World Teachers Day
  19. Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day
  20. UNESCO Day
  21. Universal Childrens' Day
  22. World Day of Social Justice
  23. World Environment Day
  24. World Water Day
  25. York Academy & College Carnival

Year Round Clubs

  1. Dale Carnegie Club
  2. Toast Master Club
  3. Maple Leaf Mosaic Club
  4. Good Samaritan Club
  5. Yearbook Club
  6. Debate Society
  7. Student council
  8. Global Leadership Society
  9. Student Peer Support
  10. Student Media Broadcasting Network [Radio & TV]
  11. Student Sciences & Technology Society
  12. Student Linguistic Society
  13. Student Arts Society

Code of Conduct

At York Academy & College, students are expected to act, behave and conduct in ways that support our philosophy, values and mission at all times. Students’ conduct shall bring the best out of themselves and each other. Through our best practice principles, faculty, adjunct professionals and staff are positive role models to students. Students, with the support of parents or guardians, should observe all school rules and procedures. York Academy & College Comprehensive Code of Conduct Policy is available for parents to review with their children upon admittance to the school. York Academy & College Students should:

Respect for Self

Students are expected to show respect for one’s self. Each student will aim for high standards of personal health and social responsibility. If students have issues, they are encouraged to discuss these with their Teachers, Principal, Vice-principal or School Guidance/Counsellor. York Academy & College will work together to resolve any issues that may arise.

Respect for Others

Every student attending York Academy & College has the right to do so in a safe, friendly and nurturing environment. Discrimination, verbal, physical and sexual harassment or bullying of others will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any activity that has a negative effect on others will be dealt with according to the severity of the situation.

Respect for Property

Students are expected to respect the privacy and property of other students and York Academy & College staff, faculty, and adjunct professionals. All texts, equipment, library books and other materials must be cared for and returned when requested. Students are also expected to treat the school grounds and the school building with respect. Littering is strictly forbidden.

Respect for Community

Our students are York Academy & College’s representatives in the community. They are expected to act respectfully and courteous to everyone in the community.

Sever Violation of School Rules

The following are some behavioural example that are regarded as severe violations of York Academy & College’s rules with consequences range from warnings to removal from York Academy & College in accordance with the severity of the situation:

School Uniform and Dress Code

Students are required to wear the designated York Academy & College school uniform. The uniform must be worn on school days and on all weekday school-sponsored activities. Student grooming should reflect a business-like manner.