Secondary School


York Academy & College Secondary School provides an enhanced, integrated, challenging and stimulating curriculum that inspires each of our students to broaden their horizon in their quest of becoming “Multi-Talented and Multiple Intelligence Renaissance Students” as “Student-Professionals”, “Student-Scientists”, “Student-Artists”, “Student-Good Citizenship Characters” and above all lifelong learners dedicated to a culture of excellence in all of their accomplishments.

York Academy & College Secondary School is designed for our students to discover and experience continuing growths with confidence as they are equipping themselves to face life’s expected and unexpected challenges, opportunities and undiscovered opportunities, as well as preparing themselves to enter Post-Secondary Education. York Academy & College Secondary School challenges and motivates each of its students to reach her or his full potential academically, emotionally, socially and culturally.

Throughout their Secondary School years at York Academy & College, students are heartened to appreciate diverse ideas in a pluralistic society, to become engaged participants in community and global affairs, to develop into respectful, thoughtful, unconditionally caring individuals, and enthusiastic citizens of humanity.


  1. IB Programme Implementation - York Academy & College Secondary Education takes pride to inspire academic excellence, to promote diversity and constructive global citizenship through its IB Programme. Upon graduations, our students will receive globally accepted diplomas with numerous options to attend national or international renowned universities of their choices.
  2. Supportive Learning Environment - Throughout their Secondary School years, York Academy & College will work closely with each student to provide a full support network as they are adjusting to the concept of “Post-Secondary Education”. Through our Pre-University School Division, workshops, seminars, lectures, skill development, and individualized advisory meetings are implemented on a regular basis to prepare our students on their continuous quest as lifelong learners and renaissance students.
  3. University Courses Introduction - As part of York Academy & College Secondary School’s mandate, pre-university course are offered to all Secondary School students as means of support in helping our future graduates in their transition to university. For more information, please visit our Pre-University School Division.
  4. Distinguished University Placement Target Objective - York Academy & College Secondary Education aims for Canadian or international distinguished university placement for all of its graduate students. Interviews and application workshops, university and college connections networks are established to facilitate this objective.
  5. Well-Rounded Campus Lifestyles - York Academy & College Secondary School students are very active in school life, extracurricular activities and civic engagement projects. Every year, worthy community projects are selected for our students to participate as part of our Life Skills, Cultural and Social Immersion Curriculum. Inside the classroom, we value an advanced, balanced and enhanced curriculum, nurturing each student’s intellectual curiosity through action-based, skills-based, hands-on, cross-curricular programs that are implemented over a wide range of required and optional courses. Outside the classroom, York Academy & College Secondary School offers a full range of activities, a wide variety of clubs, sports, music and dance, leadership camps, and annual trips in Canada and overseas.
  6. Safe and Inclusive Learning Environment - York Academy & College Secondary School is certainly a safe and positive learning environment. We are committed to individuality, collectivity, respect, discipline, inclusion and integration for all students, faculty, professionals, staff, parents and guests. Our school community is enriched by the inherent learning experiences offered by multiculturalism and pluralism. We strongly encourage and promote social, cultural and religion diversity; as a secular school, we respect and value the right of individual faith or the lack of it. Last, we pledge to be a bully-free environment!
  7. Year-Round School Option - York Academy & College Secondary School offers a year-round learning option to students who require a more flexible academic schedule. This option allows our students to concentrate on fewer courses at a time; therefore, “Less Stress and More Focus”. Students who are in our year-round school option have the opportunity to update or perhaps advance a key course within the same school year.
  8. Learning Efficiency - York Academy & College Secondary School class sizes are small. With an average class size of 15 students our faculty and adjunct professionals have more “one-on-one time” for our students; knowledge acquisition is therefore more effective. Tutoring and skill development programs are also available to help every student advance in a particular area of study. Complete guidance and support are continuously available to help each student draws an individualized leaning strategy for our “Curriculum Map”.
  9. Global Learning Education - York Academy & College Secondary School’s Global Learning Education is to instill a firsthand experience, deeper understanding, appreciation, social and cultural exchange for cultures and people around the globe. We seek to prepare students to address complex issues other countries face in a rapidly changing and increasingly interconnected world. Each year York Academy & College Secondary School students have the opportunity to travel with faculty members and parents to experience life outside of their familiarity. Our Global Education and Learning Aboard enable our students to connect the knowledge they build in the classroom with on-the-ground experiences and activities in other countries. In Secondary School, there are, in addition to the core curriculum, elective offerings on different countries and cultures. Their global studies are incorporated into their Fine and Performing Arts curricular activities.
  10. Inspired Faculty - York Academy & College Secondary School’s accredited, highly qualified, experienced, passionate and caring faculty and adjunct professionals practice differentiated teaching method to engage and meet the educational needs of each and every student. Our inspired faculty and adjunct professionals, including mentors, counsellors, and coaches are essential to our students’ successes in school and in life in general. A variety of methods, excellent resources and technology are available to our faculty to inspire our students to make learning a persistent enjoyable quest.
  11. Post-Secondary Education Placement Assistance - York Academy & College’s highest priority is to ensure each and every one of our student get admitted to, either Canadian or international, renowned university or college of their choice. We make such as a priority our mandate to assist our students with their Post-Secondary Education placement requirements. For more information, please visit our Pre-University School Division.

Core Skills

In a global society where academic achievement goes hand in hand with becoming imaginative, technology savvy, independent thinkers, leaders, culturally immersed and socially conscious citizens, York Academy & College Secondary School’s courses are intended to hearten learning opportunities in which students develop critical thinking skills, analytical and problem solving skills, take intellectual risks, work in collaborative settings, engage in creative and imaginative learning, and practice ethical decision making skills as “Multi-Talented and Multiple Intelligence Excellence-Driven Renaissance Students” now, in their Post-Education years and continuing into their adulthood.